General Office Security

Although the Building Management at 2000 West Loop South takes many precautions to protect Tenant belongings, some thefts may take place. The following tips can help reduce these thefts, especially if these tips are reproduced and posted in every tenant's office.

  • Lock all doors when the office is unattended or when practical control of entrance and exit areas is not possible.  In the event of emergency evacuation, be sure to lock entry doors to Premises if time permits.  However, if there is a fire on your floor, you should consider leaving your door closed but unlocked so that access to the area of the fire can be facilitated.
  • Hang coats and jackets away from the entrance to the office where they can't be easily taken while you are busy.
  • Keep valuables out of sight and under lock and key. A minimum amount of cash should be kept in the office.  Both petty cash and stamps should be locked in the office safe.
  • Keep purses and gift packages out of sight and locked inside a cabinet or desk if possible. Purses should not be left on or under desks.
  • Lock desks when not seated at them.
  • Be wary of solicitors and peddlers. Challenge any unknown person in your suite or corridor. A simple "May I help you?" may prevent many potential problems.  A person may engage you in conversation while secretly making a survey of your office setup for later use.  Solicitation is NOT permitted in the Building.  If solicitors enter your suite, please call the Building Management Office to report them immediately.
  • Do not let persons other than employees and clients into your restrooms.
  • If any person comes to your office to do work on behalf of the building office and you have not been notified, check his identity with the Building Management Office and/or Security.
  • Keep fire exit stairwell doors closed at all times.  In addition to closed stairwells being an integral part of our fire life safety system, they are also a vital part of the Building's security system. 
  • Do not let anyone else follow you into your suite.  Should suspicious or undesirable persons be seen loitering in or around the Building, please report them to Security. A security guard will be dispatched to investigate the situation immediately.
  • Do not leave building or suite access cards in the open where they could be stolen and used to gain illicit entry to the building or your office.  Access cards should be cancelled through the Management Office immediately upon termination of an employee.  Please notify the Management Office without delay regarding access cards that should be deactivated or transferred to a new employee. 
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